I humbly ask my readers to make a specific dua.
I ask you to pray that Allah (swt) helps you to be a Happy Muslim.
Having inner peace–being happy–will lead you to be a more positive, productive servant of Allah (swt). We will treat others and ourselves with more kindness. We will have more hope in Allah’s help.
Our duas in Ramadan are more likely to be accepted because Ramadan is the month of blessings. Also, the dua of the fasting person will not be rejected by Allah (swt).
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah SWT), the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveler.” [Sahih At-Tirmidthi and al-Bayhaqi]
Please do the obvious thing that we often forget to do–ask Allah (swt) to bring peace and joy to your heart!
may Allah reward u all, i have learn something today, Alhamdulillah
May Allah reward you too. Thank you for your kind words.
Please make Du’a for my daughter MVVaishnavi that she is taken back into AT&T project she is put into a Hyderabad project she gets a Hyderabad posting surely for highest good of all Allah hum per reham keejiye humari dua sunleejiye Ameen
Ameen we will make dua for your daughter
Salam alaykum my name is Najiba please make dua for me i get married soon to my dream guy .im 30 years old single girl i pray i ? cry but not even one propsal .i know that there alot of people who dont want to see me married.im living with my poor old mother . i ? who will take care of me tomorrow . iv been through alot of hardships due to my father he controlled and abused and isolated me my whole life and didnt let me get an education .im very unhappy but try to think positive no matter how hard it gets .its just hardship after hardship .i had many people wrong me in my life somedays im like i only believe you allah when i pray. Please make dua i get a handsome educated man my age with a wonderful career to marry me love me respect me protect me and support me always . to keep me happy always. That i be his only wife for life. and i be his only women his heart loves .that i get married soon. I know there are alot of people who dont want to see me married .i fear the evil eye magic or taweez or something thats preventing me from getting married or preventing me from getting good propsals or even any propsals at all. I cryed and prayed and cant even get one propsal of marriage .please make dua i get married soon and that none of that stuff effect me
I at least want a happy ending.
We will make dua for you dear sister. Remember to wake up for tahajjud prayer as duas in the last third of the night are very powerful
Assalam waleikum My mother is going through dementia as per the doctor. She has started forgetting things .Please pray for my mother’s recovery.her name is salma khan
We will pray for your mother Salma Khan insha’Allah. Please encourage her to eat raw coconut oil and to avoid gluten.
Please I request Du’a for my daughter MVVaishnavi that her job and posting in Hyderabad are totally safe and protected she is continuously working in Hyderabad TechM campus and she is absolutely protected from my taking A today Allah please forgive me I pray for your mercy and help please help us protec us
I request for Du’a for M.V.Spandana that her husband is loving caring to her he is dropping the idea of shifting to Vizag her life is safe healthy peaceful prosperous with full loveand affection from husband and in-laws Allah meri beti par raham keejiye use bachaalijiye Ameen
Salam alaykum please make dua i get married soon to a handsome fit educated guy my age .thats never been married and has no children from nobody .that he marrys me loves me respects me protects me and supports me always .that i be his only wife for life .that he keeps me happy always .
Salam alaykum please make dua i get married soon to a handsome fit educated guy my age .thats never been married and has no childrenfrom nobody .that he loves me respects me protects me and supports me always .that i be his only wife for life .that he keeps me happy always .
Wa alaikum as salam, May Allah give you what you want dear sister.
Assalamu alaikkum,
My employer didnt give past 5 month salary and am struggling verymuch, my rent cheques bounced, my daughter school fees not paid, my wife mediical treatment under hold,i am very much stressed and i feel like all the doors in my life is closed, please do dua for me to get my salary and get out from this all struggles.
Wa alaikum as salam warahmatullah wabarakatu. We will pray for you our brother
I request for Du’a for my husband M.Venugopal for complete cure of brain ischemia and restoration of perfect circulation of blood tobrain and cure of dizziness safety Allah mere shohar per reham keejiye hamari Du’a kubool keejiye unhe teekh keejiye aap ka reham deejiye Ameen