The Aspiring Counselor’s Club of IOU,, offers free Islamic counseling as well as inspiring articles. For free Islamic counseling, simply email them at or visit this page of their website: .
ACC’s mission is “To enlighten the Ummah with psychology-related content viewed through an Islamic lens and to facilitate students, psychology enthusiasts, and aspiring counselors.”
Here are ACC’s top inspirational articles:
Mend the GAP: BUILD THE PATH! Towards enhancing the connection with the Creator
Emotional Intelligence- An Islamic Perspective
THE MAGNIFICIENT RECIPES OF LIFE- Offered by Our Noble Guest, Ramadhan, to relish forever
How to Choose the Right Spouse
I had the honor of interviewing this team and here are their answers:
1. What do you think are the main differences between Islamic counseling/psychology and non-Islamic counseling/psychology?
“……..Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts do hearts find peace.” {Quran 13:28}
Contemporary psychology neglects the aspect of religion in general which is one of the major determinants of a person’s lifestyle. We believe that Islamic Psychology is a method of incorporating Islamic values and concepts that are not included in contemporary psychology i.e the unseen influences, the impact of destiny, the whispering of the shaitaan and the inclusion of the soul. Moreover, studies have revealed that incorporating religion into counseling leads to an increased therapeutic effect on clients.
2. How does your free email counseling work? Is it open to Muslims who are not part of the Islamic Online University? Do you provide counseling for both genders? Which theories of counseling do you most use in your work?
?Our main source of case intake is via our intake form in our website andemail. We also consider the cases received via our Social media sites: Instagram, Facebook & rarely via whats App.
Whenever we receive a case we share the case to our team of counselors and reach back to the clients as soon as possible.
?Yes, our counseling service is open to all Muslims around the world and not limited to Islamic Online University alone.
?We usuallyincorporate an Islamic perspective ofClient Centred Therapy in most of ourcases and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in certain cases that we deem to be necessary.
3. What are the most common problems that people seek counseling for through your website?
The cases that we receive are not limited to a specific topics. It is diverse, ranging from teen issues, anxiety, stress, depression, marital issues, premarital queries, adolescent issues, etc.
4. What are the most common words of advice/suggestions that you give to people who seek your free counseling?
Our responses usually vary according to the situation presented. But we try our best to remind our clients of the tests of this dunya, consoling them simultaneously reminding them of the rewards of their patience with Hadiths and Qura’anic Ayats:
“This life is a mere test which will carry on till your death and in sha Allah, every difficulty you face here will be rewarded in your hereafter! Indeed, you are truly blessed, my Sister, as Allah chose you to be tested and indeed Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said, “Allah has designated certain ranks in Jannah and when we lack deeds to attain them He (SWT) out of His love for His slaves puts him or her through difficult trials so that Allah may make him reach that level in Jannah” (Sahih IbnHibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: 2908). In sha Allah May Allah make you one among the highest level holders in Jannah…”
“Keep your strong trust in Allah, make duas and keep your salah’s intact! Realize that you are never alone, Allah SWT is always there for you. “And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.”(Al-Baqarah 2:186). Shaitaan will try to deviate your thoughts but never give up, and make the best out of this trial which will be answered in this world and the hereafter! In sha Allah!”
Assalamualaikum I need a counseling for my teenage daughter , pls help me