How to Get More Barakah Out of Your Time: “Getting the Barakah: An Islamic Guide to Time Management”


“Wasting time is worse than death because death separates you from this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah.” – Islamic Scholar Ibn al Qayyim (1292-1350)

“Being assertive means to be firm yet kind in how you deal with people. To be able to say no without offending the other person. Learning to do this may take time and error, but it is an important skill to learn in order to keep our own sanity.” –Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar, Author of “Getting the Barakah: An Islamic Guide to Time Management”

Recently I had the pleasure to review an extremely well-written book by our Brother Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Islamic Online University. He is also the Head Tutorial Assistant for this university, a husband, and father of 4 children, who he home-schools, Mash’Allah!

If you are interested in getting more “barakah” out of your time, you must read his book Here is the link to the book:

First of all, what is “barakah in time”?

Barakah in time simply means blessings from Allah that enable us to accomplish more than usual in a short time. For example, many Muslims scholars of the past published multiple books in a very short time. The reason for this amazing productivity is “barakah.”

So how can we get this “barakah in time”? Well, you really need to read Br. Kamdar’s book, but here is the answer in a nutshell:

1. Develop a strong relationship with Allah (swt) and set life goals that are aimed to earn His pleasure.

2. Make Duaa (ask Allah) for barakah in your time.

3. Constantly try to improve how you use your time. Control your time so that your time doesn’t control you. A huge part of this step is “muhassabah” or “introspection”. This means that you reflect on how you are using your time and take responsibility for your choices in what you do with your time.

Br. Kamdar’s book is full of specific ideas on how to control your time and accomplish your goals. For example, he advises having a daily To-Do List along with a Weekly Schedule. The secret is to actually “schedule” what you want to do–make a specific time for that activity, and hold yourself accountable!

I also love how his book reminds us to take care of ourselves and to even reward ourselves for our small victories! He also urges you to “invest in yourself” by learning new skills.

He makes an excellent point that many of the reasons we waste time (procrastination, laziness, oversleeping, overeating, excessive socializing) are also referred to as “corrupters of the heart” by Islamic scholars.

This compassionate and practical book really made me think more about how I spend and plan my time. So please check it out!

Br. Kamdar is also the author of “Having Fun the Halal Way: Entertainment in Islam” and “Best of Creation: An Islamic Guide to Self Confidence.”

His websites are and


  1. Islamic Self Help

    Thank You for your review of our eBook. Kindly link the review to the eBook’s official webpage so your readers can find it more easily:

    Thank You

    1. Sheima (Post author)

      You are very welcome. Will do, bismillah.


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