Ramadan Mubarak!
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Verily the dua (supplication) of the fasting person is not turned away at the time of breaking fast.” (Sahih Ibn Majah).
My wishes for you this Ramadan are That:
To Allah you get nearer,
Solutions are clearer,
Duas are granted,
Stronger faith is planted,
Quran is your friend,
Barakah doesn’t end,
Miracles are seen,
And blessed dreams,
Family ties strengthen,
Life is lengthened,
Joy, wellbeing,
Real spiritual feelings,
A blessed Qadr night,
Allah fills you with light.
If you would like some help with reading/learning Quran, a very affordable option is Tanzeel Quran Academy (tanzeelquran01@gmail.com or Whatsapp: +923428735965).
For greater health insha’Allah, I also recommend drinking lots of green smoothies when not fasting (a cup of greens like fresh spinach, some berries, a cube of fresh ginger, some slices of avocado, and cold water blended). Surprisingly tasty!