Stories of the Prophet Muhammad’s Kindness (peace be upon him)

downloadوَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ
We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the worlds.
(The Holy Quran 21:107)

Below are some stories from the Sunnah about our Prophet Muhammad’s kindness (pbuh). I hope that reading them will increase our love for our Prophet insha’Allah.

After the Prophet (pbuh) received his first visit from the Angel Gabriel and the first revelation of the Holy Quran, he went to his wife Khadijah and was scared and shaking. He said, “Cover me! Cover me!” They covered him till his fear was over and after that he told her everything that had happened and said, “I fear that something may happen to me.” Khadijah replied, “Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your relatives, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones.”

Recorded in Bukhari Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3 and Muslim, Iman, 12

A companion of the Prophet narrates, “By my father and mother! I never saw a teacher, either before or after him, who taught better than the Prophet. By God! He never looked severe, or chastised or reviled.”

Recorded in Muslim, Abu Daud, Nasa

I start the prayer with the intention of lengthening it, but when I hear a child crying, I shorten the prayer, as I know his mother would suffer from his screams!

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as reported Bukhari #677

The Prophet announced to the people the death of Negus (Christian King of Abyssinia) on the day on which he died, and went out with them to the place of prayer, and made them stand in rows, and offered a short prayer for him.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as recorded in Bukhari, Muslim

(Negus, the Christian king of Abyssinia, gave protection and asylum to the Muslims when they were persecuted in Mekkah. The Prophet (pbuh) never forgot the king’s kindness and therefore prayed for him when he passed away.)

Anas bin Malik narrates: Once I was walking with God’s Apostle and he was wearing a cloak with a thick border. A Bedouin followed him and pulled his cloak so violently that I noticed the side of the shoulder of God’s Apostle affected by the border of the cloak because of that violent pull. The Bedouin said, “O Muhammad! Give me some of God’s wealth which is with you.” God’s Apostle turned and looked at him, and smiling, he ordered that he be given something.

Recorded in Bukhari Volume 7, Book 72, Number 700

Anas ibn Malik reports: “God’s messenger was sitting in the mosque with some of his companions when a Bedouin urinated inside the mosque. The Prophet’s companions said: ‘What is going on?’ ‘What are you doing?’ The Prophet said to them: ‘Do not interrupt him.’ He subsequently called the man and said to him: ‘These mosques are not the place where one can throw any dirt, urine or stools. They are meant for reciting the Qur’an, glorifying God and prayer.’ He then called for a bucket of water and he poured it over the urine.”

Recorded in Bukhari, Muslim, Nassai, Malik and Ahmad

After the Battle of Badr, prisoners of war were brought. Among them was al-Abbas. He did not have a shirt on, so the Prophet looked for a shirt for him. It turned out that a shirt of Abd Allah b. Ubayy was the right size, so the Prophet gave it to al-Abbas to wear and compensated Abdullah with his own shirt.

Recorded in Bukhari #3008

Once a lender and a debtor came to the Prophet (pbuh) to seek his help in resolving their conflict. The debtor was unable to pay back the lender on time. The Prophet offered the cotton sheet that he used to cover his lower body as payment for the debt. The lender accepted. The Prophet wrapped the lower part of his body with the cloth of his turban and gave the lender the cotton sheet. The lender went home pleased.

Recorded in Musnad Ahmad Volume III

The Prophet (pbuh) would pass children and wish them, “Peace!”

Recorded in Muslim

The Prophet (pbuh) would pass women and wish them, “Peace!”

Recorded in Bukhari

About captives of war, the Prophet (pbuh) said, “They are your brothers! Offer them what you eat and drink!”

Recorded in Muslim, Ayman, 36-38

Mu’awiyah ibn Al-Hakam Al-Sulami reports: “I joined a congregational prayer led by the Prophet when a man sneezed. I said to him: ‘May God have mercy on you.’ People looked askance at me. I said to them: ‘I am undone! Why are you looking at me like that?’ They began to hit their own thighs. I realized that they wanted me to stop talking. When God’s messenger finished his prayer, he neither punished, rebuked nor expressed displeasure with me. He just said to me: ‘It is not permissible to say any ordinary talk during prayer; it consists of God’s praise and glorification and reciting the Qur’an.’”
Recorded in Muslim, Ahmad, Nasai and Abu Dawud

One day, when the Prophet (pbuh) was sitting in Medina, members of a miserable tribe came. They had no shoes. Their skin was stuck to their bones because of hunger. The Prophet became very sad upon seeing their condition and his color changed. He had Bilal give the call to prayer and gathered his companions. From his companions, he took up a collection for the tribe, generously helping them.

Recorded in Muslim, Zakat, 69, 70; Ahmad, al-Musnad, IV, 358, 361

Once the Prophet (pbuh) saw a camel which was just skin and bones. He said to the owner of that camel, “Fear Allah for these speechless animals! Do not let them stay hungry!”

Recorded in Abu Dawud, Jihad, 47; Ibn Khuzaymah, al-Sahih, IV, 143

There was an insane slave girl in Madinah. She walked the streets of Madinah talking to herself. Most people paid no attention to her. They knew that she had no control over herself. Many were amused by her insane chatter. One day, as the Prophet (pbuh) was speaking to some companions, this girl appeared. She asked the Prophet, “O Prophet of Allah, will you do me a favor?” The Prophet said, “I will do whatever I can for you.” “But you have to come with me,” she said. The Prophet asked, “Where do you want to take me?” “I will take you to the street, and then I will tell you what I want.” The Prophet said, “All right, I will follow you to any street you want to take me to.” The people were surprised that the Prophet would spend his time with an insane girl. They knew the girl did not mean what she said. But the Prophet was friendly, and the girl held his hand and asked him to follow her. The Prophet followed the girl through the streets of Madinah. She was talking to herself and walking. At a narrow alley, the girl sat down and asked the Prophet to sit with her. He did so. This example of the Prophet sent a clear message to Muslims that leaders are responsible for all members of a community, especially the handicapped.

Recorded in Muslim, Akhlaq wa Adab; Abu Dawud

A woman gave the Messenger a burdah (gown). The Prophet asked his Companions, “Do you know what a burdah is?” They said, “Yes, O Prophet of God, it is a piece of woven cloth (similar to a shawl).” The woman said, “O Prophet of God, I have woven this shawl with my own hands for you to wear.” The Messenger of God took it while he direly needed it. After a while, the Messenger came out of his home wearing it, and a Companion said to him, “O Prophet of God! Grant me this shawl to wear!” The Messenger said, “Yes.” He folded it and gave it to the person who asked for it. The Companions scolded the man, saying, “It was not appropriate for you to ask for his shawl, especially since you know he does not turn anyone down or send them away empty-handed.” The man said, “By God! I only asked him to give it to me because I want to be shrouded in this shawl when I die.” Sahl, the narrator of this hadith said that the shawl was used as a shroud for that man when he died.

Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 7, Book 72, Number 70

On the day the Prophet conquered Mecca, where he was regarded by people as the most powerful man, one of his countrymen approached him. He asked trembling, “O Messenger of Allah, teach me Islam!” The Prophet said, “Relax my brother! I am not a king, nor an emperor! I am the orphan of your old neighbor (meaning his mother) who used to eat sun-dried meat!”

Ibn Majah, At’imah, 30; Al-Hakim; Al-Tabarani

Your servants are your brothers and your stewards: God has placed them under your hands; whoso then has a brother under his hand, let him feed him out of what he eats himself, and let him clothe him out of what he clothes himself, and compel them not to do a work which will overpower them, and if you do compel them (to any such work), then assist them with it.

The Prophet Muhammad as recorded in Bukhari Vol.1, Book 2, #29, Muslim, Tirmidthi, Abu Daud

Ali separated a mother from her child (by selling them to two different parties), but the Prophet forbade that, and cancelled the sale.

Recorded in Abu Daud

(Even though Islam greatly encouraged the freeing of slaves, it did not outright prohibit slavery for various reasons. But Islam did prohibit separating related slaves from each other, such as a mother from her child.)

Once some women were in the Prophet’s home to meet with him and talk about family problems. Then Umar came to visit the Prophet. The women hurriedly left the room and hid themselves. The Prophet smiled. Looking at the Prophet’s smiling face, Umar said, “May you always remain happy and smiling. Please tell me why you smiled as I entered.” The Prophet replied, “I was surprised to see that the women were afraid of you and how hurriedly they left as you entered.” Umar, hearing these remarks, spoke loudly, addressing the women, “O enemies of your souls! Why are you afraid of me? You are not afraid of the Messenger of God but you are afraid of me.” The women replied, ‘You are harsh tempered, O Umar, but the Messenger is very patient and kind.”

Recorded in Bukhari, Manaqib Umar ibn al-Khattab

A group came to the Prophet after the incident of Hunain. They wanted freedom for the captives of war. One of them said, “O Muhammad! Our tribe has your milk-mothers and your milk-sisters! The Prophet responded with great loyalty, “I free all the captives that belong to me and the sons of Abdulmuttalib.” The other Muslims who saw this followed his action and said, “We also free our captives for the sake of the Prophet!” As a result, on that day, thousands of captives were freed without any ransom. This was a gesture of gratitude and loyalty to the milk the Prophet had been given as a child.

Recorded in Bukhari, al-Tarikh al-sagir, I, 5; Tabarani

Ibn Umar said that a goat had been slaughtered in his house. When he came home he asked his servants if some of the meat had been sent as a gift to a neighboring Jew. He added, “I had heard the Messenger of Allah as saying that Angel Gabriel had been regularly insisting that one treat his neighbors kindly; indeed, so much so, that I surmised the neighbor should be nearly made a recipient of one’s inheritance.”
Recorded in Bukhari

Once the Prophet heard that the people of Qubaa (town neighboring Medina) were disputing with each other about a matter. The Prophet said, “Let us go to resolve the situation and make peace between them.”

Recorded in Bukhari #2547

Anas (r) remembered: “I served the holy Prophet for ten years. He never said “Uf” (an expression of dissatisfaction), nor did he ever ask me why I did this or did not do that.”

Recorded in Muslim, Fadail, 51; Abu Dawud, Adab, 1

A contemporary of the Prophet narrates, “My mother used to hold the Prophet’s hand and used to take him wherever she wanted. If any person used to come before him and shook his hand, the Prophet never used to draw away his hand from the other person’s hands till the latter drew away his hands, and he never used to turn away his face from that person till the latter himself turned away his face. In meetings he was never seen squatting in such a way that his knees were protruding further than his fellow-squatters.”

Recorded in Tirmidthi

A funeral procession once passed in front of the Prophet Muhammad and he stood up out of respect. When he was told the person in the coffin was Jewish and not Muslim, he said: “Was it not a living soul?”

Recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 399; Muslim, Janaiz, 81

A man of the Ansar came to the Prophet (pbuh) begging of him. The Prophet said, “Have you nothing in your house?” The man said, “Yes, I have a woolen carpet, with one part of which we cover ourselves, and spread the other, and a cup in which we drink water.” The Prophet said, “Come to me with them both.” The man came to him with both, and the Prophet took them in his hand and said, “Who will buy these two?” One man said, “I will take them both for one dirham.” The Prophet said, “Who will give more than a dirham?” This he repeated twice or thrice. Another man said, “I will take them both for two dirhams.” Then the Prophet gave them both to that man, and took the two dirhams, and gave them to the needy man, and said, “Buy food with one of these, and let it go to your family, and buy a hatchet with the other, and come to me with it.” The man came to him with it. The Prophet fixed a handle to it with his own hands, and then said, “Go, cut wood, and sell it, and let me not see you for fifteen days.” The man did as he was bidden. Then he came back when he had already got ten dirhams; and he bought a garment with part of it, and food with part. Then the Prophet said, “This is better for you than that you should come on the Day of Resurrection with black marks upon your face.” (because begging without true need is a sin).

Recorded in Abu Daud, Tirmidthi, Ibn Majah

Aisha narrated: “I have never encountered anyone that had emulated the Holy Prophet in manner, likeness and speech more than Fatimah, may Allah honor her face. When she came in to visit him (the Prophet) he got up to (welcome) her, took her by the hand, kissed her and made her sit where he was sitting; and when he went in to visit her, she got up to (welcome) him, took him by the hand, kissed him, and made him sit where she was sitting.”

Recorded in Sunan Abu Dawood; Ash’atul Lama’aat

Allah has given one Dua (prayer) to every single prophet and every single messenger, that He has guaranteed that He will respond to. And every single prophet has used up this Dua for himself in this world, except for me. I have saved it and I have not used it and I will not use it in this life. I have kept it for my Ummah and I will use it for them on the Day of Judgement. And my Dua will be, “O Allah, forgive my entire Ummah.”

(Sahih Muslim 199)


  1. Imam

    You did great job by collecting and publishing some hadiths(Sunnah). Muslims are supposed to follow Quran and Sunnhah(Hadith). In Quran Allah says “Obey Allah and Obey messenger” so the ones are deviant who reject Sunnhah or Quran.

    1. Sheima (Post author)

      JazakAllah khair for your comment.

  2. saeed muhammed lawan

    Jazakallahu Kayr , for sharing these hadith that remind us about the kindness of prophet Muhammad (S A W), May Allah rewards you.

    1. Sheima (Post author)

      Wa iyakum brother Saeed, may Allah reward you too

  3. ibrar ahmed

    Recorded in Muslim

  4. Biography of Muhammad

    The life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is full of countless examples that show his status as a role model for Muslim civilizations and persons.

    1. Sheima (Post author)

      Thank you for your great comment.

  5. Abdullah

    Than you. May Allah make us neighbors in paradise.

    1. Sheima (Post author)

      You are most welcome. Ameen

  6. Rehmat

    Good collection

    1. Sheima (Post author)

      Thank you 😊

  7. Zabbar Ynus

    Learning from the mistakes in Islamic history

    In ancient times in the city of Mecca there was a Jewish woman who harbored animosity towards the holy Prophet due to his teachings. Every day, as he passed by her house, she would throw garbage on him, hoping to insult and humiliate him. Despite this mistreatment, the holy Prophet remained calm and composed, never retaliating or showing anger. One day, the woman did not throw garbage at him. Concerned for her well-being, holy Prophet decided to visit her. When he knocked on her door, she was surprised but allowed him to enter. Expecting retribution for her actions, she was instead met with kindness and compassion. The Prophet inquired about her health and offered assistance. The lady immediately repented her misdeeds and converted to Islam.

    In another story, the holy Prophet saw a camel that was just skin and bones. He said to its owner, “Fear Allah for these speechless animals! Do not let them stay hungry!” (Recorded in Abu Dawud, Jihad, 47; Ibn Khuzaymah, al-Sahih, IV, 143)

    “Your servants are your brothers and your stewards: God has placed them under your hands; whoso then has a brother under his hand, let him feed him out of what he eats himself, and let him clothe him out of what he clothes himself, and compel them not to do a work which will overpower them, and if you do compel them (to any such work), then assist them with it.” (Recorded in Bukhari Vol.1, Book 2, #29, Muslim, Tirmidthi, Abu Daud)

    There are so many similar stories about kindness in Islam which non-muslims are not aware of. First step to spread the goodness in the religion to attract good people. Today’s muslims are more interested in spreading bad things about their own religion. That only attracts bad people into the religion and spoil it eventually.

    Ideal society in Prophet’s time: Part I
    An ideal society would resemble that of the Prophet’s time, founded on sound ideology and spiritual values that emphasize simple living and high thinking. In such a God-centered world, individuals would dedicate their lives to God and adhere to His principles. There would be no desire for material possessions; instead knowledge and wealth would be valued when used in accordance with Islamic teachings. Lies would be absent, and there would be no gambling or other vices. The focus would be on equitable wealth distribution, honesty in business and public dealings, no crimes, and no fear of nothing but God. The society would embody purity in thoughts, actions, food, and relationships, pollution free air and water.

    Growth of early Islam during Prophet’s time
    Holy Prophet began preaching Islam in Mecca in 610 CE. In first 12 years until time to Hijrah (622 CE), Islam grew very slowly. At the time of Hijrah, in first 12 years, total muslim population was between 100 and 150 (see footnote 2). The community was small but early converts were not hypocrites, rather they were devout muslims. Early converts also included Prophet’s family members and close friends.

    Did Prophet Muhammad allowed forced conversion? Never, he never did so. Non-muslims joined religion with their own choice and love without any fear, force or hatred.

    Early muslims faced a lot of persecution in Mecca. After continuous oppression, many of them flee to Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) after facing great hardship at Mecca. But with the grace of Allah, the then Christian king of Abyssinia, known as Negus or Najashi, welcomed the Muslim refugees and offered them protection. This is also known as first Hijrah. The Muslims were allowed to freely practice their faith in Ethiopia. This was one of the best moments in early Islamic history. In the begining growth was slow but whosoever joined were people of pure heart. But not all went well with later days of Islam.

    Trouble in Islam: Lessons from History
    Before the Hijrah, Muslims generally got along. However, after the Hijrah, internal conflicts began to arise. Some early Islamic leaders were strict, causing dissatisfaction among Muslims. This discontent grew so much that after the Prophet’s death, Islam was on the verge of collapse. The Shia and Sunni split, leadership disputes, and the assassination of Caliph Uthman in 656 CE led to significant internal strife, culminating in the First Fitna, an Islamic civil war.

    What went wrong in the later part of Islam
    After the migration to Medina, the Muslim population grew faster than it had in Mecca. By the time of the Battle of Badr in 624 CE, about two years after the Hijrah in 622 CE, the Muslim community in Medina had around 1500 members, including both men and women, but women headcount was much lower. Most of the new Muslims were single men. Women in early Islam were mainly wives and little daughters of married men, and there were no women who were at the age of marriage. A significant problem arose because non-Muslim families were reluctant to marry their daughters to Muslim bachelors.
    Ibn Ibaadat, one of the close aide of Prophet among early converts, was a commanding person who was not happy with slow growth of Islam. He wanted to spread Islam faster. He was becoming too impatient after spending of two years in the city of Yattrib (Medina). As a consequence he acted in hurry and introduced the extreme measures in the religion that had very long lasting impact on future of Islam. Let us see how it unfolded.
    When bachelors in early Islam were becoming increasingly impatient without women people started to think how the religion will grow without marriages of bachelors. Ibaadat and his men were put to task to solve this problem. Marriage of young men was also important for increasing population of the muslims. Many bachelors left Islam just to marry non-muslim girls since girls were not ready to convert to Islam. It was becoming serious threat for existence of the religion. To address this Ibaadat proposed capturing of women from other tribes of Arabia who neighter agreed to join Islam nor they were ready to pay Jizyah.

    Ibaadat formed a army of horse riders to attack those tribes. Hearing Islamic army coming to fight, men would flee fearing for their lives leaving women and children behind. This made it easy for Ibaadat and his men to easily grab women along with their goods and cattle. After initial success, they captured women in large numbers and in a short period of time they captured more women than elegible muslim bachelors for marriage.

    Ibaadat’s group had captured women from nearby and remote places of Arabia. Captured women’s relatives – husbands, brothers, parents, children – were attempting to find them. To prevent the women from being discovered, Ibaadat found a clever way to conceal their identities- the Face Mask (Niqab).

    After the captured women were distributed among bachelor young muslim men,
    they were kept in strict vigil so that they can’t escape. But they were allowed to visit market place once in a week accompanied with other women to buy necessary goods.

    Use of the Mask (Niqab)
    Ibaadat had a favorite soldier called Al Qais a close friend and member of his group.
    Qais to Ibaadat: Commander, today we lost another woman today who was discovered by her husband in the market place and she fled with him.
    Ibaadat: Tell the women to wear identical masks to cover their faces.
    The women were instructed to wear identical masks (niqab) to avoid identification. It solved the problem only for some time. Very soon, some ladies were still identified by their hair style, others deliberately made special hairstyles to look unique. As a result a few
    women were identified by their hair style and escaped with their family men (brother, father or son or husband). The more methods Ibaadat and their group were adopting to conceal identity of captured women, the more new tactics women and their family were inventing to find them.

    The Hair Cap (Hijab)
    Soldier: Commander, the women are being identified by their hairstyles.
    Ibaadat: Tell them to cover their hair with hijab (hair caps) while going out of the house. No hair should be visible. If any lady found violating the rule, she will be delivered harsh punishment.

    Introduction of the cloak (Burqa)
    Despite the niqab and hijab, the women found ways to signal their relatives to discover them, like wearing specific signs or colored dresses. Some were even recognized by their unique body curves.
    At that point Ibaadat came out with the idea of full body cloak. Tell them to wear Burqa covering their entire bodies from head to foot. No body part should be exposed, only hands are permitted, said Ibaadat.
    This new tactics worked for some time. Later, the tribal people started lifting any women who wore a full cloak in hope that she could be of the victim girls.

    Ibaadat: We must devise a solution for this serious problem otherwise very soon we’ll lose all the captured women and then young men will be alone again and will be deserting us.

    A dissenter: Commander, we started with good intentions, but now you’ve resorted to violence and unethical tactics, deviating from our original goals. This is not fair. I will tell the outside world of your deeds.
    Ibaadat: We are not doing anything wrong. We are spreading joy and acting on God’s wish. (To an aide) Explain to this dissenter that our actions are just. (The dissenter is taken aside and get killed.)
    This way Ibaadat silenced all his critics, telling all writers and poets of those times not to speak or write anything bad about him or of the group threatening them with dire punishments. Everyone seeing the acts unfolding before their eyes but kept their mouth shut due to fear of their life.

    Final Solution: The Black Cloak (Black Burqa)
    Soldier: Commander, the women we’ve captured are still being identified by their men and escaping. The ladies & their family have become smarter. They are putting special colorful design on their Burqa. They are passing this information through some shopkeepers in the market place acting as middlemen. Many ladies are escaping like this.
    Ibaadat: After thinking for a while said, as the final solution, tell them to wear a black colored burqa only.
    (After few days)
    Soldier: Their men are still identifying them by their body shapes.
    Knowing this, Ibaadat got very angry and perplexed.
    Tell them to wear loose burqa only. Black burqa should be loose enough so that no body shape is revealed. This will make them look identical, and their relatives won’t recognize them.

    Soldier: Very smart solution provided Commander, you are genius.
    But won’t black cloaks be painful in the summer heat?
    We have no choice. If the women are taken back, they’ll reveal the stories of our rape to them, and our prestige will be gone. If that happens, no one will join the religion by their will.

    Ibaadat ordered all women to wear loose burqa covering entire body. But existing muslim women who joined by their wish were very uncomfortable with this full body burqa and refused to follow Ibaadat’s dictat.

    Ibaadat becoming helpless, sough help from high command the Prophet. Prophet got grace of Allah and the command was revealed and quickly added to the holy text to make full body loose cloak compulsory for all muslim women.

    (Few days passe)
    A common man: Commander, one question is coming to my mind. If the future generations learnt that we used the Burqa to meet such a mean objective what would they think?
    Ibaadat: They WILL KNOW but they will never tell in fear of getting killed. They will suffer silently for many generations to come. This is what is life my son. For big people’s service, small people have to suffer. We have to live with this bitter truth.
    Little did they know that capturing women and covering them with cloak
    was their one of biggest mistakes they did that resulted in internal strife during later part of the Hijrah and that created the internal strife among muslims that was seen as internal fighting after death of the holy Prophet.

    (The above story was narrated by a Muslim lady of Quraish clan who nurtured this story keeping in their heart passing it from generation to generation to keep the fire of truth alive.)

    Lesson from above: Doing any change too fast or forcefully creates negative results.

    * Formation of ideal society: Part II
    Let’s start with basic needs. We need many things to live daily life in today’s world. Let’s think about clothes. To make clothes, we need factories. These factories need machines and materials like iron and other raw materials.

    As population of the community increases, we need bigger buildings. We also need computers and the internet to manage everything. For moving around, we must use trains, cars, and airplanes to go far places.
    We cannot go back to animal driven carts.
    For transportation of goods also railway, roadways and airways systems will be required.

    For Medical treatments hospitals would be needed. In hospitals medical equipment are also needed. We would also need doctors, nurses, and engineers to work in hospitals.
    To run a hospital we need personnel like doctors, nurses, engineers, technicians, accountants, and many other sort of staff. To support all medical treatments, R&D facilities will also be needed.

    To have all these professionals, we will need schools and colleges to train people. Medical colleges will be necessary for making doctors. Engineering colleges will be required for making engineers.

    If you want to live like medieval people did 1500 years ago, we shouldn’t use electricity, cars, or phones or all above mentioned services. We’d have to use candles and walk everywhere. Even candle was invented after petroleum discovered in 18th century. Many of the things we use today were invented by people from all over the world mostly non-muslims.

    So, to lead a life we are used to, we need all these things working together. It’s hard to live a simple life of medieval times after living comfort of modern life.

    If you have to live in medieval life, then you will have to forget electricity, use animal fat or vegetable oil to light, use hand-woven clothes, cook on wood as fuel, forget petroleum, forget vehicles.
    All these inventions are done by hard work of non-muslims that you
    use in your life.
    Mobile phone is a necessary thing to connect and talk people from remotely today. To manufacture mobile only we need sophisticated manufacturing units. To educate all manpower to work in above factories, we will need training and education also. This won’t be too different than modern society of today.
    At the end, you will end up making exactly same modern society what you see in every country (muslim or non-muslim) in the world. So idea of an ideal living is just an idea not a practical reality let us understand that.

    Adultery banned
    When Ibaadat and his men captured many women from local tribes of Arabia both married and unmarried girls and put them as slaves into their harems in the name of God. Captured women were raped by their captive daily against their wish in the name of God. Other righteous men among muslims, witnessing all these felt deep anger against capturing of women. They started making secret relationship with women to set them free from captivity. Sometimes the captured women will also fall in love with outside men. They will develop a bond and they will also develop intimate relationship secretly.
    Many such men were caught talking or roaming with captured women.
    All such men were immediately given harsh punishments like stoning to death. Such incidents became too common that Ibaadat request a rule to be added from almighty and hence verses denouncing Adultery were born.

    Halal food
    Early Muslims faced great hardship in Mecca. They didn’t have food for sustenance for days. Many non-muslims rich men took advantage of this and organized free food feast for poor where muslims were also allowed. When poor Muslims were visiting non-muslim gatherings frequently for food, they developed bonding with non-muslims. This feared Ibaadat that they might be told some bad things about religion or holy Prophet and they might leave. And his fear came true, some reports of muslims leaving after participating in free food parties was reported. Angered with this, Ibaadat ordered that only that food is ordained for a muslim that has Allah’s name taken while preparing it. A verse was quickly sent by God in this regard into Holy Quran to help community survive.

    Since non-Muslim wouldn’t take Allah’s name while preparing food, participating in free food feast of non-Muslims became haram for Muslims.
    All Halal and Haram differentiation was created for saving a religion already under threat. So in short, Haram or Halal practices was created out of political necessity in later part of Islam.

    Singing & foot tapping banned for Ladies
    After the full body cloak or burqa was made mandatory for women, the captive women keep devising new methods to signal their lost families to find them. They started tapping their feet in order to make sound through foot rings adornments they wear so that their family will notice them and identify the signal. Many women started to sing meloncholy songs from behind the veil in public place to make them identified to their family.
    Many captive women were successful in getting identified by their family and fleeing with them back to their home.
    Hearing this Ibaadat complained the gravity of the situation to Prophet. As God is all knowing He sent two verses at the same time related to prohibiting ladies to sing in public. A ladies foot should fall on the floor softly. The verse is found in Surah An-Nur (24:31)
    “And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment”

    Four wives limit
    The Distribution Dilemma
    With too many captured women and too few men, the distribution of women became problem. Fights broke out between followers as multiple men desired the same woman if she was beautiful. Ibaadat’s solution was to allow the captured women to choose their husbands themselves. However, this also created problem as more than one women wanted to marry the same desirable man who was better looking. One handsome man was getting a dozen of wives. This was the time when 4 wives limit was imposed.
    It’s important to note that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was granted a special exception to marry more than four wives as stated in the Quran (Surah 33:50)


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