Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem, I would like to share with my Ummah a blessed dream that I had about 13 years ago, in which our kind Prophet (pbuh) answered a question that I had. I hope this will be of benefit insha’Allah!
Choosing Inner Peace and Joy with Ideas from the Quran, Sunnah, Counseling, and Health Fields
Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem, I would like to share with my Ummah a blessed dream that I had about 13 years ago, in which our kind Prophet (pbuh) answered a question that I had. I hope this will be of benefit insha’Allah!
AssalamuAlikum wr wb…..How to subscribe latest updates from this Blog..
Wa alaikum as salam wr wb, you are now subscribed 🙂
salaam alaikum,
please share that dream with us. I’m so curious
Wa alaikum as salam,
The video in which I share this dream should show on the page. If it is not showing, here is the link on youtube: